As we are now at the end of Michelmas/Autumn Term 2020 with all our students safely home or at their homestay homes. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our students, overseas parents, partner schools, local co-ordinators and our homestay hosts for their continued support and encouragement in what has been an unprecedented period in the organisation’s & entire worlds history. Never have we experienced a time where operational logistics change, on what feels like a daily basis. The most frequently used words in the office being, quarantine, self-isolation, government guidelines/restrictions, flight corridors, fit to fly, Zoom & Teams.
I have a tremendous respect for the AGUK office team who have shown their resilience and upmost desire to do their very best in providing a service which aims to minimise the anxieties felt by parents and their children in trying to access, continue and succeed with the their UK Education journey. With some members of the team working evenings, weekends and even on their day off to support our administrative function.
Finally as we are coming to the end of 2020 take a moment and ask yourself if you, or those closest to you are ok? In such times it’s easy to forget or not notice how you or they may be doing or feeling. Do remember that support is all around you – ask, reach out, signpost, tell someone. As member of the Academic Guardians family, know that we are here for you, 24/7.
The office will be closed from Friday 18th December at 17:00pm and will reopen on Monday 04th January 2021 at 08:00am. We ask during this time that you kindly only get in touch to provide us the requested Spring Term arrangement information (emails will be checked periodically) and for all emergencies only. Our emergency numbers are +44 (0)7931 954106 & +44 (0)7823 321993.
The entire AGUK team would like to wish you a joyful festive season and we thoroughly look forward to supporting you on your journey to reach your education goals in 2021.